Power (2014-2020) review

 This should not come at a surprise, with the violence,  drugs and sex, Power is obviously a dope series, if you're someone who does not like sexual scenes and strong language Power isn't the Series for you, especially with someone like Tommy Egan saying his catch phrase "motherfucker " everytime😅😅 but if you don't mind that then Power is a must watch, it's interesting like mad, themes of betrayals, Love e.t.c Power is dope but Rotten Tomatoes 🍅 gave it 81%, to me I think Power deserves a 90%.

The Actors were lit, none of them acted bad, they all acted very very well, Omarri Hardwick as Ghost was spectacular, my favorite Character Tommy Egan awesome as always, Tasha was annoying to me sha, then Tariq was annoying in Power in a way😅😅 and then the character people didn't like was 50 cent as Kanan and how could I forget Angela I liked her alot. All in all they were goodActors/Actresses.


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